Chattanooga Amateur Radio Club

"Discover the magic and camaraderie of Amateur & GMRS Radio!"

Workshop Registration

Workshops & training may be conducted at various venues, dates, and times.  Please take note of that when registering.

Most classes and workshops are given without cost; however, some require a small fee payment for classroom educational materials that become the property of the student.  Please note that workshops or classes with a blue asterisk (*) require the purchase of workshop learning materials…usually a book or guide specifically oriented toward the subject.

Pricing may vary, but often in the $15-$20 range.  For the purpose of a unified teaching and lesson plan, such educational & training material is required.  For workshops or classes requiring such materials, the fee may be paid at the first session.  Cash is the only option for payment, as we don’t use credit card terminals at the classroom.  Thank you.

Due to room size constraints, only 25 persons per workshop are allowed.

If you have registered and later cannot attend, please contact Bill Dornbush (

Please include your area code and enter only numbers in the Phone Number field…no dashes needed.

“HCC” denotes workshops & training presented at the:

Harrison Community Center
(formerly The Old Harrison Elementary School)
(Click for Directions)

Room 7
5637 TN-58
Harrison, TN 37341

Workshop & Class Registration Form
*Technician License Class - Session 1 Starts Jan 21 - 3 Parts Plus Test Session with CARC
*General License Class - Starts Feb 11 - 4 Parts Plus Test Session with CARC
*Technician License Class - Session 2 Starts Apr 15 - 3 Parts Plus Test Session with CARC
*Extra License Class - Starts Jun 3 - 5 Parts Plus Test Session with CARC