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FCC Paperless Amateur Radio License Policy

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As of February 17, 2015, the FCC initiated a new paperless policy as outlined below.

ARLB007 FCC “Paperless” Amateur Radio License Policy Now in Effect

ARRL Bulletin 7  ARLB007
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT  February 17, 2015
To all radio amateurs

ARLB007 FCC “Paperless” Amateur Radio License Policy Now in Effect

Starting today, February 17, the FCC no longer routinely issues
paper license documents to Amateur Radio applicants and licensees.
The Commission maintains that the official Amateur Radio license
authorization is the electronic record that exists in its Universal
Licensing System (ULS), although the FCC had routinely continued to
print and mail hard copy licenses until this week.

In mid-December, the FCC adopted final procedures to provide access
to official electronic authorizations, as it had proposed in WT
Docket 14-161 as part of its “process reform” initiatives. Under the
new procedures, licensees will access their current official
authorization (“Active” status only) via the ULS License Manager.
The FCC will continue to provide paper license documents to all
licensees who notify the Commission that they prefer to receive one.
Licensees will also be able to print out an official authorization –
as well as an unofficial “reference copy” – from the ULS License

“We find this electronic process will improve efficiency by
simplifying access to official authorizations in ULS, shortening the
time period between grant of an application and access to the
official authorization, and reducing regulatory costs,” the FCC
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (WTB) said. According to the WTB,
the new procedures will save at least $304,000 a year, including
staff expenses.