Chattanooga Amateur Radio Club

"Discover the magic and camaraderie of Amateur & GMRS Radio!"

Where Are The Hams?

This map shows amateur radio licensees with physical mailing addresses in Hamilton County, Tennessee.  If multiple licensees share the same address, only one red balloon is shown.

GoogleMapToolMenuYou may zoom in & out by using the + & – buttons at the bottom right also use the additional map features by clicking the Google Map Tool Menu at the top right.  The full screen version available within the Tool Menu is very helpful.

Note:  The map is generated from public information on file at the FCC and  It is used as-is and we do not warrant or guarantee its accuracy.  While most of the data appears to be accurate, a small percentage is clearly not.  This also is a reminder that under FCC regulations, amateur radio operators must keep their address on-file up-to-date at all times.  Click here to check your own records.  Use this map at your own risk.

February 21, 2015 Dataset