Is your radio gear up to the task of emergency communications? Before winter sets in, check your coax and connections, power sources and connections. Make...
Be prepared for winter weather on the road and at home. Click here. The National Preparedness Community has provides a series of easy-to-review slides...
Welcome to the Chattanooga Amateur Radio Club.
Annual Skywarn Training
When: Tue, February 4, 2025, 6pm – 9pm ET
Where: Harrison Community Center, 5637 TN-58, Harrison, TN 37341, USA (map)
Description: Annual Skywarn Training, Harrison Community Center Auditorium
Learn more about the weather from National Weather Service (NWS) professionals.
To minimize a scheduling conflict with Hamcation 2025 (Orlando, FL), the typical date for our local Annual NWS Skywarn Training for 2025 has been slightly advanced. Training is now scheduled for Tuesday, February 4, 2025, instead of a Friday night schedule. This change is compatible with the National Weather Service’s training schedule and has been approved by NWS.
As this date falls on a Tuesday night, the normal weekly Skywarn Training Nets (Amateur Radio & GMRS) will not be conducted to prevent a conflict with this important annual training event and give an opportunity for Skywarn participants to attend and enjoy the annual training session and get to meet NWS personnel.
We are also pleased to announce that annual training will be at the new Harrison Community Center on Highway 58. CLICK HERE for details.
Our Winter Field Day 2025 Workshop & Event was Fun!
Hamfest Chattanooga 2024
Thank you for attending our show. We hope everyone enjoyed the fun learning, shopping, and fellowship opportunities that it offered.
Everyone Loves
Satellite Sam
Training Opportunities. The Chattanooga Amateur Radio Club tries to always offer opportunities for fun, learning, and service to others.
Radio skills need constant refreshing and hands-on experience to remain proficient and ready to help our community when communications infrastructure is down or compromised. So join us for fun, learning, and public service throughout the year.
Harrison Community Center Classroom #7 5637 TN-58 Harrison, TN37341
Class size is strictly limited to 25 persons per workshop, so be sure to register quickly using the form below.
Workshops & training may be conducted at various venues, dates, and times. Please take note of that when registering.
If you have registered and later cannot attend, please contact Bill Dornbush @
A list of available workshops will be shown when you click the following link:
If you register for a workshop, you will receive an email confirming your registration.
New Website for ACS/ARES
Our friends and fellow radio operators associated with Hamilton County Auxiliary Communications Service and the Amateur Radio Emergency Service have a new website. It is a work-in-progress and additional content is in preparation. CLICK HERE TO VISIT.
Join us as Amateur and GMRS Radio Operators join forces to provide more eyes & ears for severe weather reporting. CLICK HERE for more details.
Have an interest in the weather and public service? Click Here to join our Skywarn Mailing List.
You Can Be a Helping Ham
Not only are Amateur Radio Operators known for helping each other (Elmering), we help our communities with Public Service even when disasters have not occurred. This great video provides insight as to why we do what we do for the good of our nation, our communities, and our neighbors. This video references a popular event in the Upper Penisula of Michigan.
The Lone Ranger Wellness Net
The net was created as a daily check-in for members of the amateur radio community, no matter their QTH, who wish to have someone check in on them to make sure they’re OK. So, if you live alone, you are disabled, if you need some help with a chore, or you’re just wanting someone to check in on you, then this net is here for you.
Join us nightly on the Chattanooga TN repeater 146.790 or on Echolink Node 79190.