Chattanooga Amateur Radio Club

"Discover the magic and camaraderie of Amateur & GMRS Radio!"

Hamfest Chattanooga 2022

"Preparedness Through Communications & Self-Reliance"

  • Thursday, October 13, 2022 – All Day Setup for Vendors
    (Doors open at 10 AM EDT for vendor setup.)
  • Friday, October 14, 2022
    • Morning Setup for Vendors
    • Outside Flea Market Opens at 1 PM EDT
      (Outside setup starts at noon.)
    • Show Hours 1 – 7 PM EDT
  • Saturday, October 15, 2022
    • Outside Flea Market Opens at 7 AM EDT
    • Inside Show Hours 8 – 3 PM EDT
      FCC Test Session 1 PM EDT
      Get Your Ham Radio License Now!  You can do it.

Forum Schedule

CLICK HERE to view our Forum Schedule.  Please note our schedule is subject to change.

We’re now offering a Club Meet-N-Greet Forum for clubs participating in our free Club Table Program.  Get your free club table, sell gear, promote membership, and meet other hams then participate in the club forum and meet other clubs.

Animals at Hamfest.
We all love our pets and service animals.  If you plan to travel with your pet or service animal and bring them along, please be aware of the following City of East Ridge rules regarding animals on-site.  Please note that the City makes a distinction between animals being inside buildings and in outside venues.

  • Per the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), only dogs are officially classified as “service animals”.  Service dog owners are afforded special rights and protections under ADA.
  • “Emotional” support dogs are not the same as a service dog.
  • Only service dogs (as defined by ADA) are permitted inside any City of East Ridge Parks & Recreation Building.  This includes the building used by Hamfest.
  • Leashed pets are permitted outside the building and in City of East Ridge parks subject to the rules identified here.

The gist of this is that no animals other than ADA-compliant service dogs are allowed inside the building.

There is a new (2022) dog park next door to the Hamfest building for your dog to enjoy.

More information about service dogs and ADA is available at this website.

Just In!
GigaParts will be joining us for Hamfest Chattanooga 2022.  Details to follow.

Talk-In Service.
On-Air assistance with directions and general information will be available on Friday, October 14, and Saturday, October 15th through the courtesy of Repeater 146.790 repeater or Echolink Node 79190.

As we say in The South…for those that aren’t from around these parts…the repeater owner says the .790 repeater doesn’t use a tone on receive but does transmit using 107.2.  So for receiving, a carrier-only signal will get you into the machine.

Forums, Door Prizes, and Participation by:

North Georgia GMRS Network

North Georgia GMRS Network

Our Hamfest Chattanooga 2022 Partner

A non-profit organization providing over 52,000 square miles of linked repeater coverage for its members and their families with professional grade repeaters and know-how.

Satellite Sam

KD4EHN’S Tinkering Headquarters

Rare, unusual bargains for discerning buyers.

Admission & Door Prize Policy.
Our Admission & Door Prize Policy is intended to promote the maximum opportunity for our guests to attend and participate in door prizes.  As is customary, the members of the Chattanooga Amateur Radio Club (CARC) have excluded themselves from participating in door prizes at Hamfest Chattanooga 2022.  They welcome you to attend our show and hope that your door prize entry is a winner!  Complete rules are available here.  Please note that those participating in door prize drawings must be present to win.

Important News.
As of September 1st, the Board of Directors of the Chattanooga Amateur Radio Club has now expanded the scope of interest for Hamfest Chattanooga 2022 to include companies, organizations, and guests with interests in Preparedness, GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service) Communications, and outdoor-related activities.  These are related areas which benefit from each other and directly support the longstanding goal of being ready when infrastructure fails and disaster strikes.  Service to community, family, and individuals has always been a hallmark of Amateur Radio & GMRS Service.

Recent changes by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to GMRS licensing now make it even easier for families and individuals to have high quality radio communications through Amateur (Ham) Radio and GMRS.  The Chattanooga Amateur Radio Club considers GMRS as a kindred spirit of service to those wishing to advance the art & science of radio thereby increase their level of readiness & capability when normal communications fail.

Leading the GMRS segment of Hamfest Chattanooga 2022 will be the North Georgia GMRS Network (NGGMRS) … the largest, contiguous GMRS network in the United States.  Since 2007, NGGMRS has continued to expand its coverage area (now in excess of 52,000 square miles) to serve an ever expanding territory with commercial grade equipment, know-how, and a since desire to serve families, individuals, and communities with communications via RF- and linked repeaters.  Weekly nets provide NGGMRS members and guests a friendly, controlled radio environment to learn, share, and encourage those in their radio journey and to be ready when things go wrong.  NGGMRS will also host several forums at Hamfest Chattanooga on a variety of interesting topics.

Don’t miss an opportunity to participate in Hamfest Chattanooga 2022 as a vendor or guest.  Vendor spaces are still available but don’t wait.  CLICK HERE make your space reservation request.

If you would like to help with Hamfest Chattanooga 2022, just send an email to  Let us know your availability and if you have work preferences.  We’ll get with you work out the details.

Please note that the Table Layout Diagram is a large electronic file that may take a few seconds to display below.

Event Table Layout Diagram (as of 2022-10-10 10:45 AM EDT)

Please be aware that the Table Layout Diagram below is a fairly large JPG file.  It may take longer to appear on slower Internet connections.

We may have more space available if you don’t see something that’s right for you so email us if you have questions (

Please note that we are in sold-out status for inside space but space is available in the Outside Flea Market & Boneyard in front of the building on a first-come, first-serve basis.  For the overall good of the show, we must reserve the right to adjust space allocations and location of space assigned or requested.

Hamfest Chattanooga 2022  |  (Reviewed for Accuracy – Oct. 2, 2022)

Our focus this year is “Preparedness Through Communications & Self-Reliance”.  We expect vendors and guests from the Ham Radio, GMRS, and Preparedness Communities and we’ll also have forums on related topics such as Ham Radio & GMRS, APRS, Winlink (Email through radio signals) and the like.  Be watching for announcements for speakers and forum topics.  Remember Hamfest Chattanooga is a TWO-DAY event with time enough for you to enjoy many aspects of our event.

Welcome!  Hamfest Chattanooga 2022 is on as an in-person, two-day event.  Though tweaks to our event are still underway here are the basic facts:

Chattanooga is the “Gateway to The South”.  We are almost equidistant from Nashville, Knoxville, Huntsville, and Atlanta…about a two-hour drive from most major cities in the area.  Chattanooga has many things for the ham and non-ham to do and enjoy.  Chattanooga is a somewhat compact metropolitan area with most areas and things to do within a 15-mile radius.

Chattanooga has a revitalized downtown area, yeah, that’s very true.  We had and have electric buses long before it became en vogue with free transportation to most downtown areas.  The visitor side of the downtown area is anchored by the Tennessee Aquarium and many hotels & restaurants nearby for your enjoyment.  Several Lookout Mountain-based attractions are also available like Rock City, Ruby Falls, and such.

For history buffs, the Chickamauga & Chattanooga National Military Park is here…part is on the Chattanooga side of Lookout Mountain…the other is just off the mountain near Ft. Oglethorpe.

Chattanooga has several wonderful parks to enjoy including the 13-mile long, Tennessee Riverwalk (walking/cycling) which parallels the Tennessee River only a few feet away.  Like antique carousels?  Then visit Cooledge Park just across the river from the Tennessee Aquarium.

So why not take a few days before or after our event and enjoy the fun and history of the area?

Our hamfest site is located on the Tennessee-Georgia State Line (Exit 1) in the adjacent municipality of East Ridge, TN…about 10 miles from downtown Chattanooga.  East Ridge is also a city on the move with a developing entertainment/dining center near the Camp Jordan area near Exit 1.

Our hamfest is intentionally compact requiring minimal walking and is easy to get to from I-75 about 1 mile away.  Our compact nature encourages a friendly, handshaking atmosphere where old friends meet and new friendships are forged.


East Ridge Community Center
1517 Tombras Ave
Chattanooga, TN 37412

  • Thursday, October 13, 2022 – All Day Setup for Vendors
    (Doors open at 8 AM for vendor setup.)
  • Friday, October 14, 2022
    • Morning Setup for Vendors
    • Outside Flea Market Opens at 1 PM* EDT
      (Outside setup starts at noon.)
    • Show Hours 1 – 7 PM* EDT
  • Saturday, October 15, 2022
    • Outside Flea Market Opens at 7 AM* EDT
    • Inside Show Hours 8 – 3 PM* EDT
      FCC Test Session 1 PM EDT.
  • Free parking for guests.
  • Restrooms are available in the building lobby.  Show Admission is not required.
  • *All show hours are tentative.

Inside Show Admission.
Guests Ages 18 & Over:  $10 per person (covers both days) – Cash Only for Admission.  No ATM is available on-site.
Guests Ages 18 & Under:  Free
Inside Commercial Amateur Radio Vendors will receive two show admissions with the purchase of two or more tables.
Inside Flea Market Vendors will receive one show admission with a minimum of one table rented.
Outside Flea Market Vendors will receive one show admission with a minimum of one parking space rented.

Outside Flea Market Space.

  • There are 53 parking spaces in the Outside Flea Market.
  • Please be mindful of the weather forecast.  It is October.  No refunds for inclement weather.
  • Parking spaces in the Outside Flea Market are $10 for the first space then $5 per additional space (max. 3 spaces).  In case of inclement weather, Outside Flea Market Vendors may use pop-up tent canopies provided they stay within the confines of the space rented.
  • Fees paid cover both days of the show.
  • Admission is NOT required to shop in the Outdoor Flea Market.  Only those selling are required to pay.

Table Pricing.
The first 6-foot, covered table is $20.  Each additional covered table is only $15.00.  Due to the venue size, there may be a per vendor limit on the number of tables.  We will work with you as best we can to accommodate the number of tables needed.  We’re sorry but a 6-foot table length is a venue requirement.  An appropriate number of chairs will be provided per vendor.

On-Site RV Parking/Overnight Camping.
Due to the construction of a Family Dog Park near the Community Center, no overnight RV parking or overnight camping is allowed…no exceptions.  RV’s may be parked behind the building during show hours but must be removed when the show closes each day.  Commercial RV campgrounds are available nearby and also at Camp Jordan Arena.  Overnight parking with hookups are available at Camp Jordan RV Park for $20 per night.  Call 423-486-2034 for more info.

On-Site Food.
Food and drink will be available from the official City of East Ridge on-site food vendor, Carpenter Family Concessions.  They have a reputation for great food so plan to enjoy their services.

Recognized Amateur Radio Club or Groups.
If you represent a recognized Amateur Radio Club or group, we may have low- or no cost space available for you.  Just make a reservation and we’ll be in touch.

We have inside (heated/cooled) space and an outside flea market directly in front of the building.  The entire building is available to us this year.

Since the community center is a smaller venue, it is extremely important that you make your inside space reservation now.  No payment is required now so please complete the simple on-line space request form to reserve your space.  We’ll do our best to honor your location request if possible but as with many things, the early bird gets the worm!

No payment is required now.  Reservations should be made now to ensure you get an inside space.

Our space diagram will be available shortly but go ahead and use our on-line space request form “to get your foot in the door now”.  When our space diagram is available, we will contact you in the order we receive reservations to get the best space available for you.


Payment for reservations must be made no later than June 30, 2022.  All reserved tables must be paid in full by June 30th.  All reserved tables not paid in full by June 30th will be released and made available to anyone after that date.  If you cancel a reservation, your vendor space becomes immediately available to others.

We realize things can change so you may cancel your reservation no later than 45 days prior to the event without penalty.  Cancellations after 45 days prior, are subject to a 25% cancellation fee.